Monday, June 4, 2007

What's the Britishism for 'loose change'?

Muslim moonbattery is certainly alive and well in Britain.

A quarter of Britain's two million Muslims believe Government agents staged the July 7 suicide bombings, a new survey has found.

They think the four men named as the killers of 52 passengers on the London transport system were not responsible for the attacks.

The poll, for Channel 4 News, discovered that conspiracy theories about July 7 are rife among Muslims - similar to those about the 9/11 attacks in the United States.

But in the United States, non-Muslims are highly prone to belief in 9/11 conspiracy theories. I wonder whether non-Muslims in the U.K. give the 7/7 conspiracy theories any credence.


Anonymous said...

"But in the United States, non-Muslims are highly prone to belief in 9/11 conspiracy theories."

Check out the Senior Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Government Officials, Professors, 9-11 Survivors and Family Members who have expressed significant criticism of the 9-11 Commission Report and/or allege government complicity in 9-11 found here:


stuiec said...

Sorry, Terry. The fact that a lot of other people share the same delusion doesn't make the delusion any less delusional. I was in NYC on 9/11. I saw what happened.

Why don't you check out the wonderful essay on 9/11 conspiracy disease at Seeing the Unseen Part 1 and Part 2?